1. Introduction

StonksBook is an all-in-one contact management application targeted at salespeople. From helping you managing your clients to your sales information, StonksBook is sure to boost your performance and conversion rates, all while reducing the time you spend on menial tasks such as generating performance reports.

Here are a few ways StonksBook can help you:

  • Data Management: Store and organise all your client and sales information easily.
  • Personal Management: Track and easily review all your reminders and meetings in a single application.
  • Real-Time Insights: Get real-time insights into your sales performance so you can further optimise and tweak your sales strategy.
  • Ease and Speed of Use: No more fumbling through clunky user interfaces filled with obscure buttons which you do not even you use most of the time! StonksBook combines the best of a Command Line Interface (CLI) as well as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) - interact with the application by typing commands in the CLI and view the results in a clear GUI!

2. About this document

Before continuing, it may be helpful to familiarise yourself with a few symbols and the different text markups that you will encounter in this User Guide:

These are the symbols used in this document:

:information_source: Additional information:

This provides you with additional information that you should take note of.

:bulb: This provides you with helpful tips.

The different text markups and their meanings are explained in the table below:

Markup Meaning
sample text Represents technical terms related to StonksBook’s implementation
Enter Represents a keystroke that can be pressed on the keyboard

Check out the list below on how to use this User Guide:

  • If you are a first-time user, start from the Quick start section for instructions on downloading and setting up StonksBook.
  • If you are interested to learn about the various features StonksBook has, check out the Features section.
  • If you are already familiar with StonksBook, but need a slight refresher, check out the Command summary section.

3. User interface

This is what StonksBook looks like when started:

Fig. 1 - Components of the GUI

The user interface features several panels labelled above, that contain the Contact List, Meeting List, Reminder List and Sale List. The bottom right panel (which currently contains the Sale List) is the Ad-Hoc Panel, which displays either the Sale List or Tag List depending on which command was executed most recently. If a sale command was executed most recently, the Sale List is shown, whereas if a tag command was executed most recently, the Tag List is shown.

The figure below displays the User Interface with the Tag List being shown. The Tag List consists of two parts, the Contact Tag List and the Sale Tag List. Besides the Ad-Hoc Panel, the display is unchanged for all other lists.

Fig. 2 - Components of the GUI

4. Quick start

This section will provide a quick guide to get StonksBook up and running on your computer.

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest stonksbook.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for StonksBook.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

    Fig. 3 - The GUI
  5. Type the command in the Command Box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • contact list : Lists all contacts.

    • contact addn/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a contact named John Doe to StonksBook.

    • contact delete3 : Deletes the 3rd contact shown in the current list.

    • purge : Deletes all contacts.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

5. Features

This section introduces the various features available in StonksBook.

Before we begin, do take note of the following information which applies to all of StonksBook’s commands:

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user.
    e.g. in contact add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as contact add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times.
    e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER, p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

5.1. Contacts

StonksBook allows you to manage your contacts effectively and efficiently.

5.1.1. Listing all contacts: contact list [Wang Luo]

Shows a list of all contacts in StonksBook.

Format:contact list


Let’s say you want to take a look at all your contacts in StonksBook. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type contact list in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact list'
  2. The Contact List now displays all your existing contacts in StonksBook.

    result for 'contact list'

5.1.2. Adding a contact: contact add [Wang Luo]

Adds a contact to StonksBook.

Format: contact add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]… [r/REMARK]​

Parameter What it is Requirements
NAME Name of contact Must contain only alphabetical characters
PHONE_NUMBER Phone number of contact Must contain only numerical characters
EMAIL Email of contact Must be in format local-part@domain
Local-part must only contain alphanumeric characters
Domain name must
  • be at least 2 characters long
  • start and end with alphanumeric characters
  • consist of alphanumeric characters, a period or a hyphen for the characters in between
ADDRESS Address of contact Can take any value
TAG Tag to be assigned to contact Must exist in StonksBook first before you can associate the contact to them.
REMARK Remark related to contact Can take any value

:bulb: Tip: A contact can have any number of tags (including 0)

  • Duplicate contacts cannot be added. A contact with the same name and same phone number/email address will be flagged as a duplicate.


Let’s say that you would like to add Betsy Crowe, who is a friend of yours, to your contact list. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type contact add n/Betsy Crowe p/1234567 e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Street t/friends in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact add n/Betsy Crowe p/1234567 e/betsycrowe@example.com a/Newgate Street t/friends'
  2. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Contact List now contains Betsy Crowe.

    result for 'contact add'

5.1.3. Deleting a contact: contact delete [Wang Luo]

Deletes the specified contact from StonksBook. All associated sales, reminders and meetings will be deleted as well.

Format: contact delete INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • Deletes the contact at the specified INDEX.


Let’s say that Betsy Crowe no longer does business with you and you would like to remove her from your contact list. Here are the steps to follow:

:bulb: Tip: You can learn more about the contact find command in locating contacts by name.

  1. Type contact find Betsy Crowe in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact find Betsy Crowe'
  2. The contact, Betsy Crowe, will now appear at the top of the Contact List.

    result for 'contact find Betsy Crowe'
  3. Type contact delete 1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact delete 1'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the contact, Betsy Crowe, is now deleted.

    result for 'contact delete'
  5. Type contact list in the Command Box and press Enter to return to display all contacts, note that Betsy Crowe is no longer in the Contact List.

    result for 'contact list'

5.1.4. Editing a contact: contact edit [Wang Luo]

Edits an existing contact in StonksBook.

Format: contact edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]… [r/REMARK]

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
NAME Name of contact Must contain only alphabetical characters
PHONE_NUMBER Phone number of contact Must contain only numerical characters
EMAIL Email of contact Must be in format local-part@domain
Local-part must only contain alphanumeric characters
Domain name must
  • be at least 2 characters long
  • start and end with alphanumeric characters
  • consist of alphanumeric characters, a period or a hyphen for the characters in between
ADDRESS Address of contact Can take any value
TAG Tag to be assigned to contact Must exist in StonksBook first before you can associate the contact to them.
REMARK Remark related to contact Can take any value
  • Edits the contact at the specified INDEX.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing a contact’s tags, the existing tags of the contact will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.
  • When editing a contact’s remark, the previous remark will also be removed/overwritten.
  • You can remove all the contact’s tags/remark by typing t/ or r/ respectively without specifying any tags/remark after it.


Let’s say that Bernice Yu moved to a new address: 36 College Avenue East and you would like to update her address. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type contact find Bernice Yu in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact find Bernice Yu'
  2. The contact, Bernice Yu, will now appear at the top of the Contact List.

    result for 'contact find Bernice Yu'
  3. Type contact edit 1 a/36 College Avenue Eastin the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact edit 1 a/36 College Avenue East'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and Bernice Yu’s address is now updated to 36 College Avenue East.

    result for 'contact edit'

5.1.5. Locating contacts by name: contact find [Aaron Seah]

Finds contacts whose name exactly matches or is similar to any of the given keywords.

Format: contact find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]...

Parameter What it is Requirements
KEYWORD Keyword for finding contacts by name Can take any value
  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. keyword ‘hans’ will match the contact with the name ‘Hans’.

  • The contact list is ordered by non-ascending similarity to the given keywords.

  • Exact matches (if exist) will appear as the top results.

:information_source: This feature gives an approximate result for contacts whose name is similar to any of the given keywords.


Let’s say you want to find the contact with the name Alex Yeoh but you do not know the correct spelling of the name. You decide to search for alx yo which has a similar pronunciation. You can still find the contact with the name Alex Yeoh as shown.

  1. Type contact find alx yo in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact sort keyword'
  2. The Contact List now contains contacts whose name is similar to alx yo.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'
  3. The contact with the name Alex Yeoh appears as the first contact on the Contact List.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'

5.1.6. Sorting contacts: contact sort [Aaron Seah]

Sorts contacts based on the contact’s name or email address.

Format: contact sort KEYWORD [ORDER]

Parameter What it is Requirements
KEYWORD Keyword for sorting contacts Must be either n/ or e/
ORDER Sorting order Must be desc
  • If ORDER is present, the contacts will be sorted in reverse alphabetical order. Otherwise, the contacts will be sorted in alphabetical order.

  • The sorting order is case-insensitive. e.g. A contact with the name ‘Alex’ is equivalent to a contact with the name ‘alex’ in the sorting process.

  • The sorting effect will only last until another contact command except contact delete is executed.


Let’s say you want to see your contacts in reverse alphabetical order based on their name.

  1. Type contact sort n/ desc in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'contact sort keyword'
  2. The contacts in the Contact List is sorted in reverse alphabetical order based on the contact name.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'

5.2. Tags

StonksBook allows you to create tags for your contacts as well as sales so that you can categorise them easily.

5.2.1. Listing all tags: tag list [Wang Luo]

Displays a list of all tags created so far.

Format: tag list


Let’s say that you want to see all the tags you have created so far. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag list in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag list'
  2. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the bottom right box will now display Contact Tags and Sales Tags.

    result for 'tag list'

5.2.2. Adding a tag: tag add [Wang Luo]

Adds a new customised contact tag or sales tag to StonksBook.

StonksBook will not allow you to add a new contact tag (or sales tag) if there already exists a contact tag (or sales tag) of the same name.

Format: tag add (ct/ or st/)TAG

  • ct/ stands for contact tag, st/ stands for sales tag.
  • Adds a contact tag (if ct/ is typed) or a sales tag (if st/ is typed) with the specified TAG as the tag name to the contact tag list (or sales tag list).
Parameter What it is Requirements
TAG Name of the new tag Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank


Let’s say that you want to add a new sales tag called electronics. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag add st/electronics in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag add st/electronics' in the Command Box
  2. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Sales Tags will now contain this new sales tag.

    result for 'tag add st/electronics'

5.2.3. Deleting a tag: tag delete [Wang Luo]

Deletes the specified tag from the tag list. The tag information in all entries previously associated with this tag will also be cleared.

Format: tag delete (st/ or ct/)INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact tag list or sales tag list Must be provided and must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • All contacts that have been previously associated with this tag will be updated so that their associations with this tag will be cleared.


Let’s say that you think one contact tag (colleagues) you created before is no longer relevant and you would like to get rid of it. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display the contact tags and sales tags in StonksBook, and the contact tag colleagues is found to be at index 2.
    result for 'tag list'
  2. Type tag delete ct/2 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag delete ct/2'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Contact Tags will no longer contain the contact tag colleagues. Also note that Bernice Yu is no longer tagged with colleagues.

    result for 'tag delete ct/2'

5.2.4. Editing a tag: tag edit [Wang Luo]

Edits an existing tag in StonksBook to the specified tag name.

All entries (contacts or sales) previously associated with this tag will be updated to associate with the updated tag.

Format: tag edit (ct/ or st/)INDEX t/TAG

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact tag list or sales tag list Must be provided and must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
TAG New name for the tag to be edited Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
  • Edits the name of the contact tag or sales tag at the specified INDEX to be the specified NAME.
  • All contacts or sales that have been previously associated with this tag will be updated automatically to be associated with the updated tag.


Let’s say that you decide to change the tag colleagues to teammates instead. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display the contact tags and sales tags in StonksBook.
    result for 'tag list'
  2. Type tag edit ct/2 t/teammates in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag edit ct/2 t/teammates'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Contact Tags will now contain teammates instead of colleagues. Note that the tags are sorted alphabetically, hence, you may need to scroll up or down to see the updated tag. Also, note that the contact Bernice Yu is now tagged to teammates.

    result for 'tag edit ct/2 t/teammates'

5.2.5. Retrieving entries by tag: tag find [Wang Luo]

Displays all entries (contacts or sales) that are associated with the specified tag.

Format: tag find (ct/ or st/)INDEX [cl/]

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact tag list or sales tag list Must be provided and must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • Finds all contacts or sales associated with the tag at INDEX.
  • An additional cl/ (stands for ‘client’) field can be provided when performing searching on sales tags. If provided, instead of displaying sales associated to this tag, StonksBook will display the clients who have purchased items with this tag.
  • If you are searching for contact tags using ct/, adding the cl/ tag will have no effect on the search results.


Let’s say that you would like to find out who are the contacts tagged with friends. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display the contact tags and sales tags in StonksBook, and the contact tag friends is found to be at index 3.
    result for 'tag list'
  2. Type tag find ct/3 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag delete ct/2'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, as well as a list of contacts who are tagged with friends.

    result for 'tag delete ct/2'

Now suppose that you would like to find out who purchased items that are tagged with music. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type tag list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display the contact tags and sales tags in StonksBook, and the contact tag friends is found to be at index 3.
    result for 'tag list'
  2. Type tag find st/2 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'tag find st/2'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, as well as a list of clients who purchased items tagged with music.

    result for 'tag find st/2'

5.3. Sales

StonksBook allows you to manage the sales you made within the application.

5.3.1. Listing all sales: sale list [Kwek Min Yih] [Aaron Seah]

Shows a list of sales.

Format: sale list [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [m/MONTH y/YEAR]

Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
MONTH Month Must be an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive
YEAR Year Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • c/CONTACT_INDEX and m/MONTH y/YEAR cannot be present at the same time.

  • If no parameter is present:
    • all sales are listed.
  • If c/CONTACT_INDEX is present:
    • all sales made to a contact with the specified index are listed.
  • If m/MONTH y/YEAR is present:
    • all sales whose associated date is in the specified MONTH and YEAR are listed.
  • The list is sorted in ascending order based on the date the sale is made.


Let’s say you want to view all sales made to Bernice Yu. This is what you need to do:

  1. Type contact find bernice in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Bernice Yu.
    enter 'contact find bernice'
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed and the Contact List updates to show only contacts with the name ‘Bernice’. Identify the correct index that corresponds to Bernice Yu, which is 1 in this example.
    result for 'contact find bernice'
  3. Type sale list c/1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'sale list c/1'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Sale List will show a list of sales made to Bernice Yu.

    result for 'sale list c/1'

5.3.2. Adding a sale to a customer: sale add [Kwek Min Yih]

Adds a sale to the specified contact in StonksBook.


Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
ITEM_NAME Name of the item(s) sold Must contain only alphabetical characters
DATETIME_OF_PURCHASE Datetime of when the sale was made Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
UNIT_PRICE Unit price of each item sold Must be a positive number greater than 0 and less than 10 million with 2 decimal places, in the format DOLLARS.CENTS.
QUANTITY Quantity of items sold Must be a positive integer greater than 0 and less than 10 million.
TAG Tag to be assigned to the sale Must exist in StonksBook first before you can associate the sales item to them.
  • Multiple CONTACT_INDEX can be specified, meaning that you can add a sale to multiple contacts.
  • It is compulsory to have a tag for the sales item. This is to ensure the ease of data analytics.
  • Duplicate sales cannot be added. A sale with the same item name, contact, datetime of purchase, unit price and quantity will be flagged as a duplicate.


Suppose you successfully sold 100 guitar tuners at a unit price of $10.00 with Bernice Yu on 30 October 2020, 3pm. Here’s how you can add this new sale into StonksBook:

  1. Type contact find bernice in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Bernice Yu.
    enter 'contact find bernice'
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed and the Contact List updates to show only contacts with the name ‘Bernice’. Identify the correct index that corresponds to Bernice Yu, which is 1 in this example.

    result for 'contact find bernice'
  3. Type sale add c/1 n/Guitar Tuner d/2020-10-30 15:00 p/10.00 q/100 t/music in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'sale add c/1 n/Guitar Tuner d/2020-10-30 15:00 p/10.00 q/100 t/music'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Sale List will contain this newly created sale.
    • You may have to scroll through your Sale List to find this newly created sale since sales are sorted in ascending order based on the date the sale is made.
    result for 'sale add c/1 n/Guitar Tuner d/2020-10-30 15:00 p/10.00 q/100 t/music'

5.3.3. Deleting a sales item: sale delete [Kwek Min Yih]

Deletes a specified sales item from StonksBook.

Format: sale delete s/SALE_INDEX…

Parameter What it is Requirements
SALE_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed sale list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • Multiple SALE_INDEX can be specified, meaning that you can delete multiple sales with the same command.


Let’s say that you have just received the unfortunate news from Bernice Yu who no longer wishes to buy 300 black pens from you. Here’s how you can delete this sale in StonksBook:

  1. Type contact find bernice in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Bernice Yu.
    enter 'contact find bernice'
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed and the Contact List updates to show only contacts with the name ‘Bernice’. Identify the correct index that corresponds to Bernice Yu, which is 1 in this example.

    result for 'contact find bernice'
  3. Type sale list c/1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'sale list c/1'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Sale List will show a list of sales made to Bernice Yu. Identify the index of the sale to be deleted. Let us assume it is at the third index.

    result for 'sale list c/1'
  5. Type sale delete s/3 in the Command Box, and press Enter to execute it.

    enter 'sale delete s/3'
  6. You should see that the sale has been deleted from the sale list.

    result for 'sale delete s/3'

5.3.4. Editing an existing sale: sale edit [Kwek Min Yih]

Edits an existing sale in StonksBook.


Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
ITEM_NAME Name of the item(s) sold Must contain only alphabetic characters
DATETIME_OF_PURCHASE Datetime of when the sale was made Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
UNIT_PRICE Unit price of each item sold Must be a positive number greater than 0 and less than 10 million with 2 decimal places, in the format DOLLARS.CENTS.
QUANTITY Quantity of items sold Must be a positive integer greater than 0 and less than 10 million.
TAG Tag to be assigned to the sale Must exist in StonksBook first before you can associate the sales item to them.
  • Multiple SALE_INDEX can be specified, meaning that you can edit multiple sales with the same command.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
  • When editing a sale’s tags, the existing tags of the sale will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.


Suppose you have just received the good news that Bernice Yu would like to buy 1000 Black Pens instead of the 300 she previously specified. Here’s how you can edit her sale in StonksBook:

  1. Identify the index corresponding to the sale to be edited in the sale list. If you have a large list of sales, it may be convenient to filter for all sales made to Bernice Yu. Assuming that Bernice Yu is the 2nd contact currently displayed in the contact list, you can type sale list c/2.

    enter 'sale list c/2'
  2. The sale list will update to show only sales made to Bernice Yu.

    result for 'sale list c/2'
  3. Suppose the sale to be edited is at the third index in the sale list. Then, type sale edit s/3 q/20 in the Command Box, and press Enter to execute it.

    enter 'sale edit s/3 q/20'
  4. You should see that the sale has been updated to reflect this new quantity.

    result for 'sale edit s/3 q/20'

5.3.5. Viewing a breakdown of sales made in each tag: sale breakdown [Kwek Min Yih]

Displays the number of sales belonging to the top 5 tags.

Format: sale breakdown

  • This will display a bar graph showing the top 5 tags with the most sales, and the number of sales belonging to each tag in an external window.
  • The bar graph in the external window will not automatically refresh upon updating of sales. To see the new updated bar graph, close the current external window and run the sale breakdown command again.


  1. Type sale breakdown in the Command Box and press Enter.

    enter 'sale breakdown'
  2. A new window containing the bar chart pops up.

    enter 'sale breakdown'

5.3.6. Viewing monthly sale count: sale stats [Aaron Seah]

Views the monthly sale count for the current month and previous months.

Format: sale stats NUMBER_OF_MONTHS

Parameter What it is Requirements
NUMBER_OF_MONTHS The number of monthly sale counts, inclusive of the current month Must be a positive integer between 2 and 6 inclusive. e.g. 2, 3, … , 6


Let’s say you want to compare the number of sales you have made for each month of the past 5 months and the current month. Let’s assume that the current month and year is November 2020. You can do so as shown.

  1. Type sale stats 6 and press Enter.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'
  2. A new window containing a bar chart will appear. The bar chart will contain the monthly meeting count for each the previous 5 months: June 2020, July 2020, August 2020, September 2020, October 2020, followed by the current month and year November 2020.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'

5.4. Meetings

StonksBook allows you to manage your meetings within the application.

5.4.1. Listing all meetings: meeting list [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Shows a list of all meetings. By default, the list only shows upcoming meetings. This list is sorted in ascending order based on the date the meeting is scheduled.

Format: meeting list [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [a/]

Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • When a contact index is specified, the list will only show meetings associated with the specified contact.
  • You can show all meetings, including past meetings, by including a/.


Suppose you want to view all upcoming meetings scheduled with Alex Yeoh. This is what you need to do:

  1. Type contact find alex in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Alex Yeoh and can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that Alex Yeoh is at the first index.
    Enter 'contact find alex' in the command box
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed and the Contact List updates to show only contacts with the name ‘Alex’.

    Result for 'contact find alex'
  3. Type meeting list c/1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    Enter 'meeting list c/1' in the command box
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Meeting List will show a list of upcoming meetings scheduled with Alex Yeoh.

    Result for 'meeting list c/1'

5.4.2. Adding a meeting: meeting add [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Adds a meeting with the specified contact in StonksBook.

:information_source: Note on conflicting meetings:
To prevent the situation in which you unknowingly scheduled conflicting meetings, StonksBook will not allow you to add a new meeting if it conflicts with some meeting in StonksBook!


Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
MESSAGE Message associated with the meeting Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
START_DATETIME Date and time of the meeting Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
DURATION Duration of the meeting (in minutes) Must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000000 (inclusive)


Let’s say that you successfully secured a lunch meeting with Alex Yeoh that is scheduled for 3 December 2020, 12pm, which lasts 90 minutes. Here’s how you can add this new meeting into StonksBook:

  1. Type contact find alex in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Alex Yeoh and can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that Alex Yeoh is at the first index.
    Enter 'contact find alex' in the command box
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed.

    Result for 'contact find alex'
  3. Type meeting add c/1 m/Lunch with Alex Yeoh d/2020-12-03 12:00 du/90 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    Enter 'meeting add' in the command box
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Meeting List will contain this newly created meeting.
    • You may have to scroll through your Meeting List to find this newly created meeting since meetings are sorted in ascending order based on the date the meeting is scheduled.
    Result for 'meeting add'

5.4.3. Deleting a meeting: meeting delete [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Deletes the specified meeting from StonksBook.

Format: meeting delete INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed meeting list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …


Let’s say that you have just received an unfortunate email from Alex Yeoh who no longer wishes to meet with you on 3 December 2020, 12pm. Here’s how you can delete this meeting in StonksBook:

  1. Type meeting list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display all upcoming meetings in the Meeting List, which is necessary to identify the index of the meeting that is to be deleted. This step can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that the meeting is at the third index.
    Meeting at the third index
  2. Type meeting delete 3 in the Command Box, and press Enter to execute it.

    Enter command 'meeting delete'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the meeting is deleted from the Meeting List.

    Result for 'meeting delete'

5.4.4. Editing a meeting: meeting edit [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Edits an existing meeting in StonksBook.

:information_source: Note on conflicting meetings:
Similar to when adding a meeting, StonksBook will not allow you to edit a meeting if it will conflict with some meeting in StonksBook!


Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed meeting list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
MESSAGE Message associated with the meeting Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
START_DATETIME Date and time of the meeting Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
DURATION Duration of the meeting (in minutes) Must be a positive integer between 1 and 1000000 (inclusive)
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


Let’s say that you have just received an email from Charlotte Oliveiro who wishes to bring forward the product demo to 15 December 2020, 12pm. Here’s how you can make this change in StonksBook:

  1. Type meeting list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display all upcoming meetings in the Meeting List, which is necessary to identify the index of the meeting that is to be edited. This step can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that the meeting is at the third index.
    Meeting at the third index
  2. Type meeting edit 3 d/2020-12-15 12:00 in the Command Box, and press Enter to execute it.

    Enter command 'meeting edit'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the meeting is updated in the Meeting List.

    Result for 'meeting edit'

5.4.5. Viewing monthly meetings: meeting stats [Aaron Seah]

Views the monthly meeting count for the current month and optionally for the previous months.

Format: meeting stats [NUMBER_OF_MONTHS] [m/MONTH y/YEAR]

  • NUMBER_OF_MONTHS and m/MONTH y/YEAR cannot be present at the same time.
Parameter What it is Requirements
NUMBER_OF_MONTHS The number of monthly meeting counts, inclusive of the current month Must be a positive integer between 2 and 6 inclusive. e.g. 2, 3, … , 6
MONTH month Must be an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive. e.g. 1, 2, … , 12
YEAR year Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3 …
  • If no parameter is present:
    • The result is the number of meetings whose start date is in the current month and year.
  • If [m/MONTH y/YEAR] is present:
    • The result is the number of meetings whose start date is in the specified MONTH and YEAR.
  • If [NUMBER_OF_MONTHS] is present:
    • The result is a bar chart on the number of meetings in each of the previous NUMBER_OF_MONTHS - 1 months and the current month and year.


Let’s say you want to compare the number of meetings you had for each of the past 5 months and the current month. Let’s assume that the current month and year is November 2020. You can do so as shown.

  1. Type meeting stats 6 and press Enter.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'
  2. A new window containing a bar chart will appear. The bar chart will contain the monthly meeting count for each the previous 5 months: June 2020, July 2020, August 2020, September 2020, October 2020, followed by the current month and year November 2020.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'

Additional Examples:

  • meeting stats will return the number of meetings whose start date is in the October 2020 if the current month and year is October 2020.
  • meeting stats m/8 y/2020 will return the number of meetings whose start date is in August 2020.
  • meeting stats 3 will return a bar chart containing the number of meetings whose start date is within June 2020, July 2020 and August 2020 respectively if the current month and year is August 2020.

5.5. Reminders

StonksBook allows you to manage your reminders within the application.

5.5.1. Listing reminders: reminder list [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian] [Wang Luo]

Shows a list of all reminders created, sorted in ascending order based on the date the reminder is scheduled.

Format: reminder list [st/STATUS]

Parameter What it is Requirements
STATUS Status of the reminders Must be either completed or pending


Let’s say that you want to view all your completed reminders. Here’s how you can do so:

  1. Type reminder list st/completed in the Command Box and press Enter.

    Enter command 'reminder list'
  2. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Reminder List will show a list of completed reminders.

    Result for 'reminder list'

5.5.2. Adding reminders: reminder add [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Adds a reminder scheduled on a particular date that is associated with the specified contact to StonksBook.

Format: reminder add c/CONTACT_INDEX m/MESSAGE d/DATETIME

Parameter What it is Requirements
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
MESSAGE Message associated with the reminder Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
DATETIME Scheduled date and time of the reminder Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm


Let’s say that you need to send a follow-up email to Bernice Yu on 30 November 2020, 3PM. Here’s how you can add a reminder into StonksBook:

  1. Type contact find bernice in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to identify the contact index corresponding to Bernice Yu and can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that Bernice Yu is at the first index.
    Enter 'contact find bernice' in the command box
  2. The Result Box will display a message of the number of contacts listed.

    Result for 'contact find bernice'
  3. Type reminder add c/1 m/Send email to follow up d/2020-11-30 15:00 in the Command Box and press Enter.

    Enter command 'reminder add'
  4. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the Reminder List will contain this newly created reminder.
    • You may have to scroll through your Reminder List to find this newly created reminder since reminders are sorted in ascending order based on the date the reminder is scheduled.
    Result for 'reminder add'

5.5.3. Deleting a reminder: reminder delete [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian]

Deletes the specified reminder from StonksBook.

Format: reminder delete INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed reminder list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …


Let’s say that a reminder in StonksBook is no longer applicable and you wish to delete it. Here’s you can delete a reminder from StonksBook:

  1. Type reminder list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display all reminders in the Reminder List, which is necessary to identify the index of the reminder that is to be deleted. This step can be skipped if you already know the index. Let us assume that the reminder is at the third index.
    Reminder at third index
  2. Type reminder delete 3 in the Command Box, and press Enter to execute it.

    Enter command 'reminder delete'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, and the reminder is deleted from the Reminder List.

    Result for 'reminder delete'

5.5.4. Editing a reminder: reminder edit [Sebastian Toh Shi Jian] [Wang Luo]

Edits an existing reminder in StonksBook.

Format: reminder edit INDEX [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [m/MESSAGE] [d/DATETIME] [st/STATUS]

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown in the displayed reminder list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
CONTACT_INDEX Index number shown in the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
MESSAGE Message associated with the reminder Must contain only alphanumeric characters and should not be blank
DATETIME Scheduled date and time of the reminder Must be in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
STATUS Status of the reminder Must be either pending or completed
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


Let’s say that Alex Yeoh would like to hear from you sooner for the follow up and you just sent the follow up email. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Type reminder list in the Command Box and press Enter.
    • This is to display all your reminders in StonksBook, and the reminder for follow up email for Alex Yeoh is found at index 1.
    Enter 'reminder list'
  2. Type reminder edit 1 d/2020-10-30 16:30 st/completed in the Command Box and press Enter.

    Enter 'reminder edit 1 d/2020-10-30 16:30 st/completed'
  3. The Result Box will display a message noting that the command was successful, as well as the details of the updated reminder.

    Result of 'reminder edit 1 d/2020-10-30 16:30 st/completed'

5.6. Archive

StonksBook allows you to archive contacts who are no longer active so that you can focus on contacts who can bring you the Stonks.

5.6.1. Adding a contact to the archive: archive add [Leong Jin Ming]

Adds the specified contact to the archive.

:information_source: StonksBook will not archive a contact if it is already archived! In addition, archiving a contact will not remove the sales, reminders and meetings linked to this contact.

Format: archive add INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown on the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • Adds the contact at the specified INDEX to the archive.
  • The sales, reminders and meetings linked to this contact will not be removed.


Suppose you want to archive your contact Alex Yeoh, who is no longer doing business with you. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Identify the index of the contact entry in the Contact List. Here Alex Yeoh is the first contact in the list. Alternatively you can use contact find to find the contact.

     Identify contact index

  2. Type archive add 1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

     Enter 'archive add 1'

  3. The contact entry will disappear from the contact list, and the Result Box will inform you that the command is successful.

     Result of 'archive add 1'

5.6.2. Listing contacts in the archive: archive list [Leong Jin Ming]

Shows the list of your archived contacts.

Format: archive list

  • When entered, if the contact list is displayed it will be replaced with the archived contact list.
  • You can edit and delete contacts in the archive using contact edit and contact delete when the archived contacts list is displayed.


To see all your archived contacts, type archive list into the Command Box and press Enter. The Result Box will inform you that the command was successful, and the archived contacts list will appear.

5.6.3. Removing contacts from the archive: archive remove [Leong Jin Ming]

Removes the specified contact from the archive. The specified contact will appear on your contact list again.

:information_source: StonksBook will not remove a contact from the archive if it is not in the archive!

Format: archive remove INDEX

Parameter What it is Requirements
INDEX Index number shown on the displayed contact list Must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …
  • Removes the contact at the specified INDEX from the archive.
  • Does not delete the contact from StonksBook. To delete the contact use contact delete.


Let’s say your archived contact Alex Yeoh wants to start buying electronics from you again, and so you would like to bring his contact entry back to the contacts list. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Make sure you are on the archived contact list. If not, simply use the archive list command to get all your archived contacts.

     List archived contacts
  2. Identify the index of your contact in the list. In this case, Alex is the first entry in your list.
  3. Type archive remove 1 in the Command Box and press Enter.

     Enter 'archive remove 1'
  4. The contact entry will disappear from your archive, and the Result Box will inform you that the command is successful.

     Result of 'archive remove 1'

5.7. Miscellaneous

5.7.1. Suggesting for error resolution [Aaron Seah]

Gives a suggestion of the most similar command (if exists) to an unknown user input.

:information_source: This feature gives an approximate result for the most similar command.


Let’s say you want to execute the contact add command but you mistyped the command as cont add. You will get a suggestion of contact add as shown.

  1. Type cont add in the Command Box and press Enter.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'
  2. A suggestion of contact add appears.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'


  • contac add will return a suggestion of contact add
  • contt ad will return a suggestion of contact add
  • contacta will return a suggestion of contact add

5.7.2. Navigating between previous inputs within the session [Leong Jin Ming]

Pressing the up and down keys retrieves the previous and next input respectively, if there is one.

5.7.3. Switching between light and dark themes: lightmode/darkmode [Leong Jin Ming]

Changes the theme of the GUI to light and dark theme respectively. The default theme for StonksBook is the dark theme.

Format: lightmode/darkmode

Example: Let’s say you want to apply light theme to StonksBook so that you can see the interface better in the day. Simply follow the steps below:

  1. Type lightmode in the Command Box and press Enter.

     Enter 'lightmode'
  2. Your StonksBook is now in light theme. The Result Box will inform you that the theme application is successful.

     Result of 'lightmode'

5.7.4. Viewing help: help [Aaron Seah]

Lists the command word, command description and example usage for each available command as well as the link to the User Guide.

Format: help


Let’s say you want to recall some commands in StonksBook. You can do so by accessing the help page as shown.

  1. Type help in the Command Box and press Enter.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'
  2. The help window pops up.

    result for 'contact sort keyword'

5.7.5. Clearing all past interactions: clear [Leong Jin Ming]

Clears all past interactions with the StonksBook GUI within the session.

Format: clear

5.7.6. Removing all data: purge [Leong Jin Ming]

Clears all data from StonksBook.

Format: purge

5.7.7. Exiting the program: exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

6. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous StonksBook home folder.

7. Command summary

This section provides a summary of all the commands available in StonksBook.

7.1. Contacts

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
contact add n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​[r/REMARK] Adds a contact with the specified information contact add n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01
contact delete INDEX Deletes the specified contact contact delete 3
contact edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE_NUMBER] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​[r/REMARK] Edits an existing contact contact edit 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com
contact list Lists all contacts contact list
contact find KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]... Finds contacts with names matching the given keywords contact find alx yo
contact sort KEYWORD [ORDER] Sorts contacts based on the parameter specified contact sort n/ desc

7.2. Tags

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
tag add (ct/ or st/)TAG Adds a tag tag add ct/important
tag delete (ct/ or st/)INDEX Deletes the specified contact or sales tag tag delete ct/1
tag edit (ct/ or st/)INDEX t/TAG Edits an existing tag to the specified new tag name tag edit st/1 t/fruits
tag find (ct/ or st/)INDEX [cl/] Displays all entries related to the specified tag tag find st/1 cl/
tag list Lists all tags -

7.3. Sales

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
sale add c/CONTACT_INDEX… n/ITEM_NAME d/DATETIME_OF_PURCHASE p/UNIT_PRICE q/QUANTITY t/TAG… Adds a sale to the specified contact sale add c/1 n/Guitar Tuner d/2020-10-30 15:00 p/10.00 q/100 t/music
sale delete s/SALE_INDEX… Deletes the specified sale sale delete s/3
sale edit s/SALE_INDEX… [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [n/ITEM_NAME] [d/DATETIME_OF_PURCHASE] [p/UNIT_PRICE] [q/QUANTITY] [t/TAG]… Edits an existing sale sale edit s/2 n/B5 Notebook p/4.00 q/10
sale list [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [m/MONTH y/YEAR] Lists sale based on provided parameters sale list c/1
sale breakdown Displays the number of sales belonging to the top 5 tags sale breakdown
sale stats NUMBER_OF_MONTHS Displays monthly sale count sale stats 6

7.4. Meetings

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
meeting add c/CONTACT_INDEX m/MESSAGE d/START_DATETIME du/DURATION Adds a meeting with the specified contact meeting add c/2 m/Product Demo d/2020-10-30 15:00 du/60
meeting delete INDEX Deletes the specified meeting meeting delete 3
meeting edit INDEX [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [m/MESSAGE] [d/START_DATETIME] [du/DURATION] Edits an existing meeting meeting edit 3 d/2020-12-15 12:00
meeting list [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [a/] Lists meetings based on provided parameters meeting list c/1 a/
meeting stats [NUMBER_OF_MONTHS] [m/MONTH y/YEAR] Displays monthly meeting count meeting stats 3

7.5. Reminders

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
reminder add c/CONTACT_INDEX m/MESSAGE d/DATETIME Adds a reminder with the specified contact reminder add c/2 m/Send email to follow up d/2020-10-30 15:00
reminder delete INDEX Deletes the specified reminder reminder delete 4
reminder edit INDEX [c/CONTACT_INDEX] [m/MESSAGE] [d/DATETIME] [st/STATUS] Edits an existing reminder reminder edit 1 d/2020-10-30 16:30 st/completed
reminder list [st/STATUS] Lists reminders based on provided parameters reminder list st/completed

7.6. Archive

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
archive add INDEX Sends a contact to the archive archive add 1
archive list Lists all archived contacts -
archive remove INDEX Removes a contact from the archive archive remove 2

7.7. Miscellaneous

Command Summary Example (if applicable)
clear Clears chat bot history -
darkmode Changes the theme of the GUI to dark theme -
exit Exits program -
help Shows program usage instructions -
lightmode Changes the theme of the GUI to light theme -
purge Clears all data -